Substance Use Disorders – An Introduction

Substance Use Disorders are widespread in the entire world and affect not only the individual, but their families as well as communities. It is imperative, as mental health professionals, to understand the phenomenology behind drug use and ways on how treatment can be...

Worksheet- Pleasure and Mastery Rating

The technique is one of the core components of “Behaviour Activation” and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. It is believed that people who are depressed may be active, but not able to get a sense of accomplishment or pleasure out of activities. This worksheet...

COVID-19: A Letter to My Young Clients

Hey there… Hope you are holding yourself together. We all are going through a tough time – a time that no-one anticipated as no-one in their living memory has gone through something like this. At my age, going through something like this, makes you cherish life...

Tolerating Distress

Distress is caused by any kind of negative emotions like anxiety, sadness, loneliness etc. At times, individuals find it very difficult to tolerate these negative emotions and resort to unhealthy coping like self-harm, use of drugs/alcohol etc.The current module has...